About Term Structure Academy

Welcome to the Term Structure Academy, an educational platform of Term Structure, the pioneering non-custodial fixed-income protocol that enables fixed-rate, fixed-term, and peer-to-peer lending and borrowing. We aim to simplify financial concepts and jargon through the academy to make them easier to understand for anyone interested in our product.

Term Structure is a decentralized fixed-income protocol that aims to establish interest rate curves in DeFi. This includes the development of Primary Markets with auctions and Secondary and Repurchase Markets with real-time order books. The protocol achieves scalability by employing zkTrue-up, a customized ZK Rollup that functions as a gas compression engine while ensuring data availability remains uncompromised. Our vision is to provide comprehensive investment and hedging instruments for DeFi and infrastructure for tokenized real-world assets.

Follow us on our social media:

X: https://twitter.com/TermStructLabs
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/XQdGCMGjaR
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/term-structure/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@termstructurelabs
Telegram: https://t.me/termstructure
Website: https://ts.finance/
Blog: https://blog.ts.finance/